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  • All three REDIES production facilities offer repolishing service.

    Vicinity to the customer helps to match specific needs.

    PDF Download

    Repolishing service contains the following works:

    • Cleaning
    • Removing of drawing ring with ultrasonic works (tungsten carbide dies: high-speed   grinding)
    • Shoe-shine polishing by ultrasonic (tc dies: high-speed finishing)
    • Calibrating according to customer tolerances or our Standard Tolerances for new dies
    • Final optical and diameter control
    • Stamping of the new size

    For our standard tolerances + geometry see:

    Tungsten Carbide Dies
    Natural Diamond Dies
    PCD Dies


    ND / SSCD
    ND / SSCD

    from EUROWIRE
    march 2023
    Translated from the
    magazine DRAHT
    Book presentation:

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